School Uniform
Our uniform can be ordered from Monkhouse.
Children must wear sensible, sturdy black school shoes. Trainers are not allowed during the day, but can be used for PE and lunchtimes on the field. Fully enclosed sandals may be worn in the Summer months.Please note for PE kits we are phasing out the wearing of white tshirts to red t-shirts. Please replace them as children grow out of them rather than rushing out to replace them now.
It is important that children wear the correct uniform all year round.
In addition to the uniform we ask that children do not wear gels and colourings in their hair except on specific event days (such as Red Nose Day). We also ask that hairstyles are not excessively ‘fashion conscious’, whether through excessive contrast shaving or such things as long fringes.
Nail varnish should not be worn in school unless it is for a specific event. Staff will ask children to remove it before school the next day and may even contact home if this becomes a regular occurrence.
If pupils have their hair long please ensure that this is tied back during the day in a way that it does not interfere with their learning across the curriculum. It is especially important that all children with long hair tie their hair back for P.E.
Items of jewellery should not be worn in school as they can be easily lost and can be very dangerous during P.E. and break times. The only exception to this is small, round, plain stud earrings. This should be limited to one in each ear. In line with South Gloucestershire’s Health and Safety Guidance, children should not wear stud earrings to school when taking part in any PE or swimming activity. Earrings are allowed for 6 weeks after piercing but must be covered with tape provided by the parent for PE and then removed altogether after this time. Parents are asked to remove them before children come to school. Inexpensive wristwatches are acceptable but, in common with all clothing and possessions, neither the Authority nor the school can accept responsibility for their safekeeping.
PE Kit
P.E. kit is essential and consists of a red t shirt, black/navy shorts and black plimsols (daps) for inside and black trainers for outside . Children also require P.E. kit suitable for use on the field (including the winter months), which consists of black/navy tracksuit/jogging bottoms and additional sweatshirt. 'Team Pucklechurch' kit is available from Monkhouse and is optional.
All uniform (including PE kits) should be named.