Armstrong Hub news and information

Term 3 Medium Term Plan - 

Term 3 Medium Term Plan -

Welcome to Armstrong Hub!  The staff in Amstrong Hub are:

Year 1 Armstrong MN - Mr Nagar 

Year 2 Armstrong IC - Mr Ford and Mrs Pryor (SEN TA)

Term 1 - Friendship


P.E. days

Children come to school wearing their PE kit on the days when they have P.E. The school P.E. kit consists of a red t shirt, black/navy shorts and white/black slip-on plimsolls (daps).  Children also require P.E. kit suitable for use on the field (including the winter months), which consists of black/navy tracksuit/jogging bottoms, a PE hoodie and trainers.

Year 1 MN - Monday and Wednesday

Year 2 IC - Monday and Wednesday


Our homework this term will focus on reading,  spelling and arithmetic. Each week the children will be given their homework which will be stuck in their purple home learning book and it will have 5 key maths questions that are similar to what we have been learning in the classroom and our spellings to practise. Homework will be set each Thursday and homework will be colleted each Tuesday. 


We encourage the children to read 5 times a week.  The children’s reading records should be brought into school each day but will be checked each Thursday and stamped. 

We really encourage children to read as often as possible at home. They will be given 2 books that match their phonics level and 1 'zone' book that is their reading for pleasure book. In addition the children will also have high frequency words to practise at home too. 

We understand that life can be very busy and appreciate that you may not have time to read for long periods of time each evening. You may read for 5 minutes or 20 minutes depending on how engaged your child is with the book. 

Once the children have read 30 times they will receive a bronze certficate which will be announced in our achievement assembly. When they reach 50 reads they will beable to choose a bookmark and finally when they reach 100 reads they will be able to choose a book from our exciting collection!

Year 1 Spelling

Our spellings are listed on our homework and are focussed around words that we are using in the classroom. We are focussing on 3 spellings per week and building up the childrens confidence by gradually introducing more throughout the year. 

Year 2 Spelling 

In Year 2, the children will continue to revise and recap their phonics knowledge for the first couple of terms, before we begin a focus on specific spelling rules.  They will also be recapping and learning words from the Year 1 and 2 spelling list. We will be practising these in school, the spelling test is a really good opportunity for them to show off their hard work. When they complete the spelling test, they will use the word in a simple sentence to build up their spelling fluency. 

 Times Tables Rockstars

Times tables Rockstars is a fantastic way for your child to practise their times tables.      

Key Texts

Year 1:

Term 1: Owl Babies

Term 2: Leah’s Star and The Crayon’s Christmas

Term 3: Florence Nightingale

Term 4: The day the Crayons Quit

Term 5: Ada Twist: The accidental Primeminister

Term 6: Rosie Revieer Engineer and Iggy Peck Architect

Year 2:

Term 1: The Tin Forest

Term 2: Leah’s Star and Where Bjorn Belongs

Term 3: Florence Nightingale

Term 4: Doctor Smart and the case of the empty tomb and the day the Crayon’s quit

Term 5: Ada Twist: The accidental Prime minister

Term 6: Rosie Revieer Engineer and Iggy Peck Architect