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Newton Hub news and information 

 Welcome to Newton hub!

Our Staff: Miss McRitchie (Y4) and Mrs McCarthy and Mrs Metcalf (Y3).

Term 1 - Exploring Friendship

During term 1, we will be focussing on our school value of friendship. This will feature throughout our learning and our everyday experiences. 

In Year 3, we will be learning about the Mayans. Our key text is 'Rain Player'.

In Year 4, we will be learning about Brunel. Our key text is 'Stig of the dump'.

 Theme map:

Theme Map Term 1 Year 3

Year 4 Term 1 Theme map

For this term, in terms of home learning, we will be asking the children to continue focusing on Times Tables Rockstars, spellings, grammar and reading. Each week, the children will receive their instructions on a sheet.

Timetables Rockstars – All children are expected to access TT Rockstars at home, this can be accessed through a computer, tablet or phone. If you have any difficulties with access or your child has forgotten their password and login, please let their teacher know. 

Spelling – Attached on this webpage is the Y3/4 spelling list, a list of words that children would be expected to spell most of correctly by the end of Y4. Spellings for the week will be given out with homework.

Year 3 and 4 Spelling list

Reading - Continuing from previous years, children will be expected to read 5x a week at home. Children are welcome to read their choice of book in this time but it should be recorded in their reading record, which will be taken in and checked on a Thursday. Additionally, we would ask that your child brings their reading record everyday to school if they can, as children will being read with by an adult on differing days. Children will be given 2/3 reading books from school, 1 age-appropriate book of their choice and 1 or 2 from our school reading scheme. 

P.E. days

Children are asked to come to school wearing their PE kit on the days when they have P.E. The school P.E. kit consists of a red t shirt, black/navy shorts and white/black slip-on plimsolls (daps). Children should not be wearing Football shirts. Children also require P.E. kit suitable for use on the field (including the winter months), which consists of black/navy tracksuit/jogging bottoms, a PE hoodie and trainers.

Year 4 PE days are Mondays and Wednesday   

Year 3 PE days are Tuesday and Thursday