
At Pucklechurch CEVC Primary, we are keen to build up children’s responsibilities across the school and gain their input into some of the decision making. To support this, we have developed a number of crews. 

School Council

  • Making decisions about the running of the school
  • Leading whole school assemblies
  • Running whole school events
  • Working with Mrs Capel
Diversity Crew
  • Driving forward our school values
  • Leading class assemblies
  • Leading whole school assemblies
  • Working with Mrs Davis 

Eco Crew

  • Leading eco responsibilities across the school
  • Creating new eco initiatives and monitoring these
  • Informing the school of eco campaigns and issues 
  • Working with Mrs Child and Mr Nagar

Sports Crew

  • Leading lunchtime sports activities - Active Champions
  • Supporting whole school sporting events
  • Awarding sporting certificates in assembly
  • Working with Mr Boulton, Mr Pitt and Miss Britton

Equities Crew

  • Driving awareness of historical equities issues
  • Running national initiatives within school
  • Working with Mrs Jones

Digi crew

  • Ensuring safety awareness is paramount in school and at home
  • Running safety events
  • Working with Mr Ford and Mr Boulton

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